Promphizy, the burgeoning talent hailing from the vibrant city of Jos, has recently sparked excitement in the music scene by connecting with Crayon, a notable signee of Mavins Records. Their rendezvous at Varlaine Lounge, Jos, stirred reactions in the media space.
The buzz around Promphizy has been steadily growing, with his latest single “Loyal” gaining significant traction both on the airwaves and on digital platforms.
Garnering attention from industry heavyweights like Don Jazzy, Brain Jotter, and now Crayon, underscores his rising prominence in the Nigerian music landscape.
As fans eagerly anticipate the outcome of this budding alliance, the prospects of future projects and collaborations hold immense promise for both artists.
Stay tuned as we await the unfolding of this exciting chapter in Promphizy’s journey to stardom.