Azeez Fashola, better known by his stage name Naira Marley, and Balogun Eletu, better known by his stage name Sam Larry, have been granted N20 million bail each, along with three responsible sureties, by a Yaba Magistrate Court in Lagos State.

The two were ordered to turn in their international passports by Magisterate Adeola Olatunbosun as a condition of their release.

Additionally, the magistrate mandated that they attend every week at the State Criminal Investigation Department (CID).

A special warning was added by the magistrate presiding over the case, who issued a firm warning that any attempt to get in touch with her would be captured on camera and would be revealed at public court sessions.

“As part of the bail conditions, the defendants are to surrender their passports and make weekly appearances at the State Criminal Investigation Department.

“Any attempts to contact me directly would be recorded and potentially disclosed in open court proceedings,” Olatunbosun said.

The duo were arrested on their return to Nigeria after they were linked to the death of singer Ilerioluwa Aloba, also known as Mohbad. Videos on social media had shown Sam Larry physically assaulting Mobad, while other videos showed boys suspected to be under the orders of Naira Marley also attacking the late rapper.


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