In the heart of our bustling city, an extraordinary event is set to captivate minds and spark conversations that resonate deeply with our society. Gain Through Insightful And Social Triumph (GIST) in collaboration with Status Mutato Art and Culture to present a thought-provoking talk show gathering that promises to delve into the most pressing issues of our time.

From “High Rate of divorce in Nigeria, Facts and Management of hypertension, to the misconceptions about the Nigerian Police”, GIST promises a diverse array of topics that touch the very fabric of our society. Each discussions will feature a panel of expert, consultants, activists, and everyday heroes who bring their unique perspectives and experiences to the forefront. Experts including, Dr. Dayom Panam, Consultant Physician/Endocrinologist, Mr Alfred Baker Mbgejume, Chairman, Actors Guild of Nigeria, Plateau State Chapter and SP Balmun Jibrin Guful 

But this talk show event is not just about dialogue; it’s about driving real change. Through engaging discussions, insightful interviews, and interactive segments, GIST and Status Mutato Art and Culture seeks to inspire action and impacting individuals to make a difference in their communities and beyond.

Power of talk show with the dynamism of live entertainment. From interviews to live performances, each aspect promises to leave a lasting impact on both hearts and minds.

Attendees can expect an immersive experience that combines the talk show and other live entertainment such as live painting, live performances, interviews, The Battle between STATUS MUTATO and GIST on live debate, complete the lyrics and the duet.

Hosted by renowned MC Malangwa, this talk show event aims to shed light on the stories often left untold, overlooked, or marginalized. With a commitment to inclusivity and diversity, MC Malangwa will guide guests and audiences alike through a journey of exploration, understanding, and empathy.

So mark your calendars and join us for an unforgettable journey of discovery, inspiration, and transformation. Together, let’s unveil the untold stories and pave the way for a brighter, more inclusive future.

This event to hold on Saturday, May 11th, 2024 at Elims Bubbles Lounge, Rayfield Jos by 3:00PM.

Don’t miss out on this groundbreaking talk show event. Reserve your seat today and be a part of the conversation that’s shaping our world.


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