Embark on a musical blueprint as Greala Wake, the multi talented Gospel Artist from the city of Jos, Nigeria unveils a masterful design for greatness within the dynamic landscape of Gospel Music rolls out a 17 Tracks album titled “Of The Prophet (OTP)”.

In this innovative declaration, Greala introduces a sonic journey that merges cultural influences, creating a blueprint that transcends his genres of music and paves the way for a new era of musical greatness.

Within the realm of “,” Greala’s blends beats and lyrics, crafting a sonic narrative that celebrates the fusion of gospel music influences.

The commitment to constructing a musical blueprint transforms the journey into an immersive experience, inviting listeners to witness the birth of a groundbreaking fusion in gospel music industry.

On this 17 Tracks collection, Greala Wake Enlisted Lyrical Jo, Mademan P, Mr Murph and Rairom to grace Of The Prophet album. Audiences can anticipate an electrifying experience as Greala Wake Blueprint for Greatness unfolds, fusing infectious beats with a visionary approach to sound, produced by Greala Wake (OGB), Elmore and Morning. 

The architectural design for greatness is an invitation for music enthusiasts to embrace the harmonious blend of diverse influences, breaking barriers and celebrating the cultural richness of gospel music.

As a Gospel Music Artist, Greala becomes a testament to the artist’s profound impact on reshaping and elevating the musical landscape.



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